Then there is the deeper connection to my surroundings I experience when I am on a bike. As an avid commuter, riding during the heat of the day full of encounters with other cyclists creates an entirely different experience than a solitary midnight cruise, accompanied only by the luminescent glow of the moon. I slow down and pay attention to the details that often elude me: the smell of carne asada wafting out of the taco carts, the grade of the inclines that sends a searing burn through my muscles, the cacophony of downtown at mid-day as cars, buses, and people crisscross each other in route to various destination, …you get the point.
Go outside and enjoy the day – Experience the miracle of the bicycle and the adventures it has to offer—whether it’s discovering the beauty and romanticism in the mundane, making a heartfelt connection with a fellow cyclist, or experiencing an entirely new environment in a way that you can only on a bike.
While no piece of jewelry can illustrate this, the simplicity of my designs is meant to leave the interpretation up to you and conjure up your favorite memories on your bike.
Greg aka Green Goat